6 Events You Must Track Using Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager Tracking

Google Tag Manager is a free Google-powered tag management system that lets you set up track and measure website interactions. For example, you can track the number of clicks a button receives or how far users scroll down a webpage. The data can be integrated with Google Analytics (highly recommended).

Collecting this information gives you more data to mine so you can learn more about how different audiences engage with your website. Then, you can turn the data into insights and optimize your website or marketing.

Here are seven events you must track using Google Tag Manager:

    1. YouTube Interactions

      You can use the YouTube Video trigger to track interactions of embedded YouTube videos on web pages.

      Here are the following interactions you can track:

      • Start: Fires an event when the video begins to play.
      • omplete: Fires when the video finishes.
      • Pause, Seeking, and Buffering: If the video is paused, the scrub bar is moved, or if the video buffers, the trigger will fire.
      • Progress: Fires at specified video progress points, configured by percentage or time threshold values:
        • Percentages: This value indicates the percentage of the video that has been played. Enter percentages as a comma separated list of one or more integers.

          Example: 5, 20, 50, 80, which represents 5%, 20%, 50%, and 80% respectively.

        • Time Thresholds: This value represents the number of seconds that the video has played. Enter time thresholds as a comma-delimited list of one or more integers. Example: 5, 15, 60, 120, which represents 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 60 seconds, and 120 seconds respectively.

    2. Element Visibility

      You can use Google Tag Manager to see if an element such as an image, a description section, or a contact form. Using element visibility lets you see the number of users have viewed an element and measure if an increase or decrease in visibility for the particular element has impacted sales, conversions, or other KPIs. You can also use element visibility to measure the conversion rate by dividing the number of users who have seen an element (e.g. a contact form) by the number of form submissions.

    3. Outbound Link Clicks

      You can track which external links your website users are clicking on your website. For example, you can see whether your users are clicking on your Facebook icon or a link to an article on an external website. More, you can track where on your website your users are clicking on external links. For example, you can see that most of your users are clicking on your Facebook icon when the users are on your About Us page.

      Collecting this data helps you learn more about your visitors and develop inferences about their behaviours.

    4. Form Submissions

      You can track form submissions using Google Tag Manager by tracking the number of times a form element such as a “submit” button has been clicked.

    5. <li.


Time Period

You can set up a trigger in Google Tag Manager that lets you know when a user stays on a webpage over a specific amount of time. For example, you can set up a time period trigger that lets you know when a user has been on a product page for over three minutes. This trigger helps you analyze the quality of traffic. For example, if a majority of your users don’t stay on your product or service over a reasonable amount of time such as three minutes, you can reckon that you aren’t generating website traffic from prospective buyers.

  1. Scroll Depth

    As mentioned above, you can measure how far users scroll down a webpage. You can use percentage or pixel to measure the depth. For example, you can set scroll depth tracking to 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% to measure the number of users who have scroll beyond 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% mark on a webpage.

    Setting up Google Tag Manager event tracking is critical to your optimizing your website and digital marketing performance because the events give you more metrics and insights that you can’t get with Google Analytics’ default dimensions.

If you are interested in setting up Google Tag Manager for your website, please feel free in touch with via form below.