8 Digital Marketing Tips For Small Canadian Businesses During Economic Recovery

Canadian Small Business
  1. Use Facebook Catalog as an Online Menu

    Although Facebook Catalog is normally used to promote fashion or other types of consumer products, it can also be used as a food menu.

    Instead of adding a pair of shoes or a sweater to the product catalog, a restaurant can add its dishes, appetizers and beverages, and then promote the catalog through Facebook and Instagram ads.

  2. Use Facebook Lead Generation Campaign to Book Appointments

    More Canadians are ready to move on with their lives and are seeking services for their needs such as home improvement, beauticifican, or landscaping. If you’re a service provider, you can use Facebook Lead Generation campaign to generate form leads and reach out to prospects to book an appointment or offer quotes for your services or confirm an appointment time and date for consultation.

  3. Keep an Eye on Your Google Analytics Data

    As the economy re-opens and more Canadians are in a shopping mood, more Canadians may be browsing for products or services more actively online and purchasing in-store. Make sure that you’re keeping a sharp eye on your Google Analytics traffic to gain insights on which pages your customers are visiting and promote or modify your offerings accordingly.

  4. Update Your Google My Business Hours of Operation

    If you’re back in business, make sure your hours of operation reflect your business hours!

  5. Use Google My Business Posts to Promote Your Incentives

    Publish Google My Business posts about your limited-time incentives, new products or services, or other invaluable information that your customers would want to know when they search for your business on Google!

  6. Offer Discounted Pricing for Gift Cards

    Businesses can sell gift cards at a discount to generate cash right now. For example, a coffee shop can sell a $50 gift card for $45. While many businesses are reluctant to discount their gift cards, it’s much better to discount a gift card and make a sale today than not making a sale at all. Many businesses are in a position where they must generate some cash flow, so it’s a smart idea to create incentives for consumers to buy now.

  7. Produce Re-Opening Videos to Create Excitement

    Many of your beloved customers or patrons have been anticipating your re-opening for the last two months or so. By producing a simple video showcasing the re-opening, you can showcase the precautionary steps you’ve taken to ensure the safety of your guests and staff and cultivate excitement about your re-opening.

  8. Emphasize The Need To Support Local

    It’s vital to support local so Canadian businesses can stay afloat, keep their staff, and stimulate the economy. If you’re a small Canadian business, make sure that your marketing message emphasizes the importance of supporting you and other local Canadian businesses.